Digimon v pet simulator
Digimon v pet simulator

The Unique Enchant Glittering got a small buff in the Bank Update.Exclusive Pets and Mythical Pets have unique enchantment(s) by default and cannot be re-enchanted.The Best Friend enchantment is unobtainable through enchanting, although the enchantment always appears on Huge Pets. The pet will always be as strong as your best pet. Pet will always be as strong as your best pets Pet can collect orbs with the range equal to your orb collection range. Pet does +100% damage, earns +100% more diamonds, and moves 50% faster The former is an open-world adventure game crossed with a v-pet simulator, while the latter is a fairly standard monster-raising JRPG (honestly, World 3 probably the closest the franchise has ever come to a straight-up Pokemon clone), although the DS games are all fine too (and probably the cheapest alternative, if you'd rather not resort to. Unlike Common Enchants, These do not have any levels so far.Īll Enchantments Stack! Unique Enchantments Due to this, they are typically much better than Common Enchants. There are rarer forms of Enchants/Abilities, known as Unique Enchants.

digimon v pet simulator

Presents damaged by this pet yield +n% rewards Increases your chances of getting a Bonus while equipped Pets do much more damage together with this pet (Stacks) For example, each Digimon needs to eat, sleep, defecate, manage its weight and be treated for illness.


It is also possible to manually enchant any pet via the Enchanting Circle in the. Pet Simulator Heavily inspired by the franchise’s origins as an unabashed Tamagotchi rip-off, Digimon World features pet management that is missing in other franchises like Pokemon. Pets do more damage together with this pet (Stacks) In Pet Simulator X, Legendary Tier Pets and above Pets automatically have Enchants, also known as 'Abilities'. Pets can have up to 2 enchants, but Mythicals have 3 enchants, and Exclusive Pets can have up to 4 enchants.įusing or combining pets will result in the pets being re-enchanted with new enchants. These Enchants come in different levels with V (5) being the highest possible. Enchants will give individual buffs which can stack with each other.

digimon v pet simulator

It is also possible to manually enchant any pet below Mythical Tier via the Enchanting Circle in the Fantasy World. In Pet Simulator X, Legendary Tier and above Pets automatically have Enchants.

Digimon v pet simulator